November 25, 2012

Progress Report

Hello everyone.

I have been busy the last couple weeks. I have been renovating our new house. Anyway, there is little progress with the Azalea's. They seem to be doing fine, growing more leaves but not growing in height. I now have a little bug problem. I am not sure what time of bugs they are. They are very small and grey in color. They do not seem to be causing any damage to the plants. I think that I am going to do monthly updates with the \Azalea's. 

I have started new trees from seeds on November the 9th. One is Dawn Redwood Cedar and the other is Coastal Redwood Cedar. I sowed around 30 seeds of each. The package says that they will germinate right out of the package in 7-14 days. It took 12 days for 2 Dawn Redwood\s to start to pop up. One died a day or two after it poked out. The one still standing is growing every time I look at it. They will grow around 3 feet a year. So far I would say these seeds are the most rewarding. I am worried that out of all the seeds I sowed I am only going to get 1 or 2 of each type. The success rate for these trees is 20%. Not bad though for a $4 pack of seeds.

Thank you for reading. I will be making a post 2 weeks from now.
Photo Above ; Dawn Redwood, 14 days after sowing

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