October 20, 2012

Progress Report

Hello friends,

I am happy to report that everything is fine, and the Azalea's are growing a millimeter or more day now. It feels like there are just growing so fast. I planted about 35 Royal Azalea seeds in the container. I think that I am going to have lots of trees to deal with. I believe all of them have started to grow now.

I have been trying to take photos every morning and evening. Taking photos of such small things is proving to be a little more difficult that I first thought. I think I have gotten it down. My problem was when I was taking the photos my Depth of Field was very small. So I did some research on how to make my photos better without having to buy a macro lens. I found a cool wed site that had all the info I needed. If you click on the link embedded in the depth of field, you will find all the info in what I am talking about. Long story short I figured it out. I have an older Canon Rebel SLR with only 8 mega pixels and these are most likely the best they are going to get.

 I only water once a week. The dome lid keeps all the moisture in the container quite well. That is not to say that the soil is soaked. It is damp to the touch. When the trees become bigger I will take the dome off and water on a more regular basis.

The Cypress and Zelkova have not even shown themselves yet. This is normal. I believe that they take up to 60 days to germinate. So far it has been twenty day since the seeds have been planted, and that time has gone by quick. If by the the 70-90 day mark I am not seeing any growth in the others I will worry. If they do not grow by then what that means is that they either became to wet and rotted or they are going to take a whole other year to come out. If that is the case I will just leave them out side and let nature do its thing.

Last Sunday night I bought a time lapse trigger for my camera online. What that is going to allow me to do is take a photo, lets say, every 30 min, all day or until my battery dies. Then I will add them together via a movie making program, and the end result will be a cool almost video like show of the days growth. Now it might take me some time to get it right and looking good but I hope to get it online by next weekend.

Thanks so much for reading. If you want me to talk about anything else just leave me a comment and I will get back to you. 

 These photos were taken Oct 20, 2012

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